Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Field Day was fun for the students!! Below are a few pictures of our day!!  Hope you enjoy!!
                                          Taya hit the target on the dunk tank!!! She is just "a
                                           little proud"!!! :)
                                         Eli hit the target!!!!  Nice shot Eli!!! Have you thought
                                         about pitching?? :)
                                           Everyone had one chance at throwing the ball to
                                           hit the target at the dunk tank area!
                                                 Jessie is having fun racing on Field Day!!
                                                    Judd is racing on the jumping balls!!
                                            Keera is doing the egg/spoon race!!  Cute hat!!
                                                         Doing the egg/spoon race!
                                                    Eli is doing the egg/spoon race!
                                         The girls are doing the 40 yard dash!! Go girls go!!
                                                       Tug of War on Field Day
                                                     Dodgeball Tournament on Field Day
                                                             Dodgeball Tournament

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Reminder:  Field Day is Wednesday, May 16th!  Please wear tennis shoes and apply sunscreen at home!!  Should be a fun day!
                                             Maddie Rea is playing in the shaving cream after
                                             all the kindergarten students have gone home!! LOL
                                             (She is in 6th grade and it's still fun!)
                                             Trentyn and his mom celebrating his June 21st
                                              Summer Birthday!!! Happy Birthday early!!
                                                    Keera's Summer Birthday Party!!!
                                            Keera and her mom celebrating Keera's June 14th
                                            Summer Birthday (early)!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

See below for our Hawaiian Day activities at the park along with a few other fun things we have been doing! :)  I apologize for not getting these up sooner!  I hope you enjoy! 
                                               Eli is showing off his "bubble" mustache!!
                                                     Blowing bubbles with our hands!!
                                                           Frisbee toss at the park
                                           The boys are playing " Dead, Man, Dead, Man Come
                                     Keera is drawing Taya's body.  This is FUN and TICKLES TOO!!!! 
                                                                  Snack time!!
                                                  Keera had a "ringer" with the horseshoes!
                                                   Bailee had a "ringer" with the horseshoes!
                                                      We are doing the LIMBO!!
                                                          The "little monkeys".
                                                       Mrs. Rea's "little monkeys".
                                                    Having fun on the monkey bars!
                                                     Very pretty Missouri hula girls!!
                                                      Hawaiian day class picture
                                               Tony is very talented with two hula hoops!! :)
                                                       Judd is great a hula hoops!!
                                                      Hula hoops at the park!
                                               Blake looks handsome in his Hawaiian hat!
                                                      Very pretty Hawaiian girls!!!
                                                 We are showing off our Solar Systems!!
                                                 We are showing off our Solar Systems!
                                             We are showing off our Solar Systems!  Jess, what are
                                             you doing with your right hand????? :)
                                                 We are  showing off our Solar Systems.
                                            We are singing "You Have a Friend in Me" for
                                            Rise and Shine Assembly! They did awesome!!
                                                We are hosting Rise and Shine Assembly!!
                                     Lola is visiting for Show and Tell!!!!  Taya is a "little" proud!! :)
                                         We are sporting our favorite teams for "Sports Day"!!
                                            The students created their very own frog ponds.  We
                                            modeled them after the small pond at school.  Fun!
                                           Thank you to the parents for sending the shoe boxes!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mark your calendar for Friday, April 27! Our class, along with Mrs. Hembree's class, will be hosting Rise and Shine Assembly.  It begins about 8:15 and lasts approximately 20-30 minutes.   Hope to see you there!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

                                                   Farm Day students with an attitude!!
                                                                   Holding the chicks!!
                                          Judd holding a chicken!!!  He LOVED the kittens though
                                          (hint, hint, mom)!! LOL
                                                     Our favorite farm animal was a horse!!